Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to resolve fwm crashing when connecting with the SmartDashboard GUI client.

1. cpstop

2. Back up $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinksMgr.db and $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinksMgr.db.private

3. Delete $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinksMgr.db and $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinksMgr.db.private

4. Back up $FWDIR/conf/applications.C and $FWDIR/conf/applications.C.backup

5. Delete $FWDIR/conf/applications.C and $FWDIR/conf/applications.C.backup

6. cpstart

The $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinks* and $FWDIR/conf/applications.C files will be automatically regenerated after restarting the SmartCenter and logging in in the SmartDashBoard GUI client.