Friday, May 20, 2011

Checkpoint Commands

1).View connections table: fw tab -t host_table –s

2).To pull the latest policy from the management station: fw fetch

3).The name of the policy installed and the date it was received: fw stat

4).Display cpu, memory, and disk usage: fw ctl pstat

5).Delete all hosts from the connections table: fw tab -t host_ip_addrs –x

6).Display logs on the firewall for a specific IP: fw log –n –ft | grep

7).Troubleshoot source/destination access issues: fw monitor -m test -e 'accept

src=x.x.x.x and dst=y.y.y.y;'

8).Manage VPN connections : vpn tu

9).Turn on debugging for VPN: vpndebug on and
vpn debug ikeon

This will create 2 files in $FWDIR/logs.

2. ike.elg

Turn off:
vpndebug off and
vpn debug ikeoff

10).Display SIC key: cp_conf sic get

11).High Availabiliy: cphaprob stat -display HA status

cphaprob -i -display HA interface stats

cphastop/cphastart -stop/start HA

12).View license key installed: cplic print